Welcome to the home of Plews and Prof.
We originally set-up to provide our community of learners with the knowledge and skills needed to maximize their health, longevity and performance.
By filtering through the overwhelming volume of (mis)-information out there, we used our extensive professional and experiential knowledge to give athletes the actions they could take to reach their full performance potential, and we are grateful we had the opportunity to do so with so many athletes.
However, we have both steered onto new individual ventures through which we are offering various coaching and training services, as well as learning opportunities for coaches, athletes, academics, and applied scientists.
We'll forever be 'The Plews and The Prof', still best of mates as we did when we began this journey.
So what are Plews and Prof up to next and how can you keep in touch?

Longtime mates, sports science geeks, and training buddies, we're Dr Dan "The Plews" Plews and Professor Paul "The Prof" Laursen. With over 150 combined research publications, experience in helping elite athletes go on to win Olympic and World Championship medals, and 20 collective Ironman races under our belts, The Plews and The Prof have each set-up new ventures to share their knowledge with athletes, coaches, sports scientists, and academics.