Time passes on... things change.
Coincidentally, this was the title of the first post I made on the Plews and Prof site. Indeed, Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, was quoted as saying “change is the only constant in life". Its again a fitting title for my first post on my personal site, as I can share the news that The Plews and I are putting a pause on our official Plews and Prof business bromance. As we like to say, we will always be 'The Plews and The Prof', however, we've both been developing our own online course platforms, and as we grow, we need to create clarity around who is doing what.
In case you're unaware, The Plews has created the extremely popular EndureIQ platform, an educational service that breaks down the science of endurance performance into practical information. Please be sure to sign up to his site if you haven't already, as there are many exciting initiatives in the pipeline for you.

Along these same lines, I've teamed up with my long-term colleague Martin Buchheit, and more than 30 other coaches and sports scientists in the world, to bring you HIIT Science. As you probably can appreciate with training, there's just a ton of different ways with which you can skin the cat as we like to say. So within HIIT Science, we teach both the Science and Application of High-Intensity Interval Training, so that you can create HIIT weapons and deploy these appropriately across different sports to get the best outcome. The science aspect is lead by Martin and me, while 20 different sports each have their own specialist. For triathlon, it's of course Dan Plews and me that give the sport specific lecture. The preview video is below, and the lectures can be directly accessed here.
From both Dan and myself, we want to thank the triathlon and sport science community for the support of Plews and Prof over the years, and we hope you'll continue to follow us individually in our continued endeavours.